Sunday, December 31, 2006

2006 - A Year in Review

When I first began to think back on 2006, I thought that not much happened this year. I guess that is the pat answer to "what's new?". But the more I contemplated the last 365 days, the more I began to think about where I was a year ago, and where I am now. In the new year, our church hands out a survey of sorts... asking us where we were a year ago as compared to now when it came to Spiritual things.... our walk with the Lord, our prayer life, our devotions, being involved in ministry etc. As I prepared my thoughts for this post, that survey came to mind.

A year ago... January 2006. I was holding life together, but as in the many years that had passed, I was not happy, and I was not living a life that was pleasing to my Lord. I still attended church, and I was involved to some degree in ministry, but my life did not exhibit His grace and His glory. My devotional life was non existent. My prayer life was shallow. I talked the talk more than I walked the walk. I walked as closely to the line between godly things and wordly things as I could. I was doing the bare minimum to sneak into heaven. Winter passed...

As spring approached, I found myself challenged spiritually. This will be a brief summary, because I have already posted on much of this. Two things came to me though... the first being the realization that by living on the line... doing the bare minimum in my spiritual life was not only displeasing to my Father, but was cheating me out of many heavenly rewards. (See 09/28/06) That fact changed my heart... and the changes in my life followed shortly. I was also reminded of the importance of prayer and meditation on His Word. I had felt like a spiritual failure for much of my life... if I could not do it right, why bother doing it at all. It was through a Focus on the Family airing that I came to understand the importance of being close to Him. He wrote me a very special letter that He wanted me to read. He wanted to commune with me daily. I purchased a prayer journal, and worked out a system for my prayer life. I seemed to need this discipline.. this appointment with God in order to get me started. That said, things did not really get moving for me spiritually until after my trip abroad.

May 2006 was spent in a land that I think of as home... Greece! It has always been a dream of mine to visit where my ancestors came from, and to visit my family still remaining in Greece. It was perhaps one of the best times of my life. I met family for the first time that I found I shared an incredible bond with. I visited the city, the street and the home that my mother grew up in. I fell in love with the sites, the sounds, the tastes... I feel as though I left a part of my heart and soul in Greece... one day I will return and retrieve it! (And may never come back! *S*)

So I (sadly) returned home from Greece, and my spiritual journey took off. A dear friend of mine started sharing parts of her walk with me. She was telling me about the time she spent in prayer and meditation daily. At first, I thought she was just one of those really "spiritual people" ... and that her fanaticism was not for me. That said, I found myself being drawn more and more to spend quality time in His Word. Another friend started going through a rough time... a time where depression was setting in. This was one of those people who always held it together... so for her to admit this really impacted me. I felt that all I could do for her was pray, and pray hard. It was for that friend that many hours, in fact, entire days, were spent on my knees.... my prayer life suddenly had a whole new meaning. My garden became my place of worship... how I miss it now.

Summer ended with a trip to Texas... I sunned while Lo sewed. I swam while Lo stitched. She made my dress for my sisters wedding - what a wonderful job! Many thanks!

Just before leaving for Tx, I got word that I had been the successful candidate for a new job at work. It was (is) a temporary position, but one that allowed me to do something I wanted to do for some time.... become a Youth Sponsor. So since September, my Wednesday nights have been filled with a group over wonderful, enthusiastic High School students. What a blessing! What an opportunity. It is such an honour to be involved in the lives of these kids.... love it! I come away feeling as though I have received more than I have given.

Fall came along with its own struggles. A very dear friend came to me with the news that she was moving away from Ottawa. I was crushed. I remember the same night she shared that with me, I told her about a prayer that I had prayed... based on something her sister had taught me... I prayed that I would somehow become desperate for Him. During this time, through a series of events, another dear friend was brought back into my life. A friend who I had lost contact with years ago... a friend who I never thought I would see again this side of heaven. In hindsight, I can see that God was setting the stage for something.

Things in my personal and family life were taking a toll on me... I was falling apart. It was then that God began to show how to be desperate for Him. It was then that He began to show me obedience... true obedience. During this time the dear friend that God had recently brought back into my life played a key role in my sanity and growth... we talked, cried and prayed together. The struggles I was going through only strengthened our friendship... it was awesome to draw near to God alongside a dear friend.

It was also during this time that I got to know another dear sister. Now this was someone I had known forever... but I never really knew her. I had never known her beautiful spirit... her tender heart... her desire to follow Him with every last bit of her being. While she had been praying for a friend to come along side her, I was longing for the friendship of another sister in Christ. I mean, I had Christian friends, but it seemed like I had no one to really talk about God with... the great things He was doing, as well as the times when I doubted His presence in my life. God provided for both of us... she is such a blessing in my life. She thinks I see her through "rose coloured glasses". I think I see her covered in His blood. Either way, God has blessed me richly with her friendship. He has used her to comfort me and stretch my faith. He has used her to distract me from myself, and focus me on Him. He has shown me much love through her... love towards me and love pouring out of me. I have been blessed.

Fall ended (although you would never know if by the weather), and Christmas was fast approaching. If you have been keeping tabs on me, you already know what kind of Christmas it was... one of joy, one of love, one of greater understanding, and one of many blessings.

So as the year ended, I ask myself the same questions our church asks us to reflect upon. Have I grown in Him? Yes! Is my prayer life any different? Yes! What about my devotions / meditation on His Word? Yes again! Am I serving Him? Am I involved in ministry? Yes! I am still so far from where I want to be when it comes to my relationship with my Lord and Saviour. There are still areas where I struggle - there always will be. But what matters is, am I closer to God now than I was a year ago? A resounding yes!

So what are my hopes and prayers for the New Year? That's another post!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Bye Bye Laptop

Today, well, last night to be honest, was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. I think I will move to Australia. (And visit my Holly, who I miss terribly!) I was sick. During one of my not so fine moments, I started to feel woozy and faintish. As I sat myself down on the sofa, I spilled my juice. I didn't think it got on my laptop, but apparently I was wrong. It short circuited the hard drive. Lost and gone forever... or so the Dell guy says. He thinks it is a virus, so is sending me a new hard drive. But when my friends brother opened it up, it was full of juice. I am devastated. I know, it is only a piece of electronics, but of course I did not back anything up, so fear I have lost all my emails, my pictures, my music, and my writing. ARG!!!! I feel as though I have been robbed or something! How crazy is that. I have grown so accustomed to having my trusty laptop at my side, that I feel naked without it. So... we can all pray that someone will get this thing up and running soon - not only for my sanity, but b/c I need it for a conference I go to in 10 days.... and also that we will be able to recover what I think is lost. In the meantime... Holly in Australia, here I come!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Ten Interesting Things About CB - Updated!

After reading my ten interesting facts, my friend cb feels she is a blob of nothing. To change her mind, I thought I would post ten interesting things about her. It is hard because some of her interesting facts are locked in the sworn to secrecy vault! Here goes nothing!

1. She has a friend who can shove mini jelly beans (and other small objects) up her nose with her tongue. Although this is really cool, it makes CB gag and wretch.

2. She enjoys kissing mirrors in cars, and writing on them in lipstick.

3. She has a thing for the Prince of Egypt!

4. She has a friend who has OCD, characterized by the need to press the elevator button the number of times of the floor she is going to. CB may laugh at this friend, but really, she knows that she is just as bad.

5. Even though she insists of coloured Christmas lights, it is all for show. Deep down, in the very depths of her soul, she knows that white lights are nicer.

6. Although she has not done it in a while, she is a ventriloquist.

7. She knows someone who has been to Wayne Rosteads house.

8. She used to do bike marathons. And not just that, but she would do them pulling her 17 children behind her in a wagon!

9. She has recorded a jingle and a pilot for a children's show.

10. She enjoys running down young children in the grocery store with her cart.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Ten Things You May Not Know

Inspired by a game of blog tag going around, I thought I would join in the fun and share ten things you may not know about me. Here it goes....

1. I can shove mini jelly beans (and other small objects) up my nose with my tongue. (Don't ask how I figured out I could actually do that.)

2. I can peel a banana with my toes. (I really should be on "Stupid Human Tricks" or something.)

3. My feet have touched the ground in 10 different countries.

4. When I read a book, I read the last page first.

5. I like to (need to?) push the button on the elevator the number of times of the floor I am going to.

6. I have sung for the Queen of England, the late Lady Di, Prince Charles, & Fergie.

7. I have been on the Wayne Rostead Christmas Special. Twice. (I should not be proud of that, I know.)

8. I have performed on stage with Mr DressUp, Great Big Sea, Alanis Morisette, Bob from Sesame Street, Susan Aglukark, The Rankins, Gail Gaven... and Wayne of course, but you know that already!

9. I sucked my fingers (instead of my thumb) well into my teenage years.

10. I have a unilateral duplicated collection system. (In layman's terms, I have 2 ureters on one side, both of which (in theory) drain into my my bladder.

Now don't you feel enlightened? And if by chance you actually knew all these things about me... well... that is just plain scary!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Shopping 101

In honour of the Boxing Day Shopping that I did not get to do, I thought I would highlight a few things I learned this Christmas Season while on various shopping adventures with a non-shopper friend of mine. (There is probably only one person who will think this is funny. I myself thought it was very clever... took forever though!)

People who shop at 2am seem less grumpy than those who shop at 2pm.
Really, it does not matter if you shop last minute, as long as it gets done!
If you can't find the size you are looking for, dismantle the display.
Never underestimate how many oranges a family of 17 can eat.
Charging your cart at a kid purposely blocking the isle is good clean fun.
Even if they are really, funny, $25 is too much for a cheap t-shirt. (PhD!!!)

One store (10 minutes) always turns in to more than that (an hour).
Friends who shop together, drop together.

Even tall people cannot reach the back of the top shelf..
Gift cards are only good if the system is up and running!
You can buy basically everything at Loblaws.
Pushing the on buttons to all the singing Christmas toys is fun!
There are some who don't have a system for avoiding stairs at The Shore.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Blessings

Today was a Christmas Day like no other. For the first time in my adult life, I saw Christmas through a new pair of eyes. Christmas Day truly became about celebrating His birth. It was time spent with family (as always), but also with some of my closest friends... with children... with people who love and worship my God. It was a time of fellowship... a time of prayer... a time of worshipping Him in song... a time of knowing the joy of giving sacrificially. It was a day filled with more love than I have ever experienced on Christmas Day. I thank God for the many blessings I received this Christmas. Here are just a few of them...

  • Dear friends who love me like I am one of them - I love you all... you have no idea!
  • Seeing the excitement in a young girls eyes as she first laid eyes on Santas offerings - won't soon forget it!
  • The opportunity to use one of my gifts to give the gift of song - did my heart a world of good.
  • Laughter and joy that came from knowing just a bit more of the whole picture - we pulled it off!
  • Seeing the relief in a dear friends eyes - Told you that we would get you through this... He provided.
  • A reminder of how precious family is - perhaps it is time for a fresh start.
  • Hearing a dear, godly man pray a Christmas prayer - wish my own family was that Christ centered.
  • Knowing what it is like to be loved... really loved. - never have I felt this way.
  • Getting a small glimpse of His love for me - How deep the Fathers love for us... how vast beyond all measure!

My heart is full. This just touches the surface of it....I feel so overwhelmed by the many gifts and blessings I have received this Christmas. It was a Christmas I will always cherish. Thank you God for the gift your Son... who made a Christmas like this possible.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

A Christmas Season To Remember

So here it is... Christmas Eve... the night before the day we have all been waiting for, and perhaps dreading just a wee bit. I am spending yet another Christmas at work. I don't really mind it. I would rather work than know that someone with young children at home is missing out on one of the most magical days of the year. I am taking this bit of down time to reflect on this Christmas Season. It has been one to remember.

Just a few weeks ago, I went through a period where I began to question different aspects of my faith. I know that Christ was my Saviour. I believe that He was sent by His Father to pay the ultimate price for me. Although I cannot fully fathom it, I know I am much loved by my Heavenly Father. I know that His Grace is enough for me. I have spend more time in His Word and in faithful, expectant prayer than I ever have before. That said, I felt empty. Devoid of any feelings of love towards God. Did I love God? I mean, did I really, truly, love God? And if I did, how was I showing it? Or perhaps, this is what made me question my love for Him in the first place.If I looked at my earthly relationships, and the things I say to, do for, or feel for people I love, did it even compare to my what I would say to, do for, or feel towards Him? Could He be more than my Saviour? Could He be my best friend? Would I ever get to the point of complete and utter dependence on Him? Would I ever stop putting my own, human limitations on a God who is bigger than everything?

Doubts filled my mind while tears filled my eyes. I did what I have done many times before when I have been at a loss for what to do... I sent a soul searching email to one of my dear, sweet friends. A friend who I admire for so many reasons. A friend whose faith in God is perhaps stronger than anyone I know. A friend who, when she is not as near to her God as she wants to be, falls apart... a reminder of our need for Him. A friend who has held me up, held my hand, and held me accountable. A friend who lets me cry on her shoulder, and then reminds me to cry out to God. A friend who has prayed for me and prayed with me, for things great and small. A friend who, along with her family, has accepted me, loved me, fed me, stretched me, and encouraged me. A friend who, this Christmas, would be a part of God doing something great in my life.

Just as the Christmas Season was starting, I found myself sitting alone at church on a special night... "The First Taste of Christmas". As soon as I saw this same friend and her family, my heart filled up with love. My eyes filled up with tears. In that moment I was so incredibly overwhelmed. I was called down to sit with the "family". I spent the night in tears... I could hardly stand it. It became incomprehensible to me... love... how the love we have here on earth pales in comparison to His love for us.

"How deep the Fathers love for us. How vast beyond all measure."

Days passed. My doubts and feelings of emptiness lingered. Were these feelings normal? I was honest with God and with myself. I told Him of my doubts. I told Him of my fears. I asked Him to fill me... to fill me with His love... to take away the emptiness I was feeling. And He did.

Christmas was just around the corner, and my dear, sweet, faithful friend was struggling. Part of me was torn apart inside. Wondering and praying about what I could do for her. Feeling so incapable of making things better, that at times all I could do was pray and cry. It seemed though, that the more she hurt, the more God filled me. After prayerful consideration, there was something that I could do. It would not change the situation, but it would help.In hindsight, God had been preparing me for this. Kind of a long story, but looking back on the decisions that were made regarding this Christmas, it was clear that they were planted by God. He was preparing to use me. He would fill me with love for Him that would pour out of me, not for my own glory, but for His alone.

What did this Christmas Season bring? It brought me closer to a God whom I know and love. It brought me to His Word - getting to know His heart. It brought me love - never in my life have I felt so loved and accepted by people. It brought me joy - the joy that comes from serving and ministering to others. It brought me humility - even in my very imperfect state, God can and will use me. And ultimately, it brought Him glory. Is that not what our lives are meant to do?

Merry Christmas Eve ....

Saturday, December 23, 2006

2 am Adventures

Ok, so I missed blogging yesterday. Ooops. I will try to blog twice today to make up for it. Yesterdays excitement involved finishing up some last minute Christmas Shopping. I am never this far behind. But as of 2am this morning, I can say that I am officially done my shopping! Woo hoo! After spending much of the day at the mall yesterday, a friend and I decided that we would take advantage of the 24/7 Walmart. If you ask me, everything should be open 24/7 - that comes from being a shift worker though! We got there at 10pm. We got home at 2am. No, there were no line ups... we (well, she) just had a lot of shopping still left to do. There was a notable difference between the two of us as we walked through the doors of Walmart: My eyes light up and grow wide with excitement... I LOVE to shop. Her eyes glaze over and she shuts down. She does not love to shop.

One of the highlights of the night was when we were searching for funny t-shirts for some of her kids. Of course, the ones on the rack were all the wrong size. So we thought we would look through the ones on display. You know how they have the t-shirts folded and in those square display cases so you can see the funny sayings? The cases were up way above our heads. Well we totally dismantled three of them in search for the right size. Luckily one of us is tall (not me)... so she reached up and pushed the shirt out of the display box, while I stood on my tip toes with my hands shielding her head as not to let the board inside the t-shirt hit her on the head. It was quite a scene, but all worth while... all of the ones on display were the exact sizes we were looking for!

A few minutes after we got home, we were greeted by her 17 year old son and 4 of his friends. It seems that they were out for a midnight walk...they were all soaked and smelly. The wonderful, cool mother that she is, offered to drive them back to the friends house they were staying at, rather than make them walk. (This after they raided her kitchen for food.) So I tagged along. I laughed the entire time as these 5 teenage boys serenaded us with Koombaya, and then hilarious renditions of Christmas Carols. I thought I was dreaming... does stuff like that really happen?

This morning we are back at it... a little bit of last minute shopping, and then a night of gift wrapping... Will write more later!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

I Was Lost, But Now I'm Found

... in more ways than one! Today after work I thought I would hit the Home Depot and pick up one of my last few gifts. On the way there, I used my cell phone to check my home messages. I was in and out in about 15 minutes. When I left the store, I realized that I no longer had my phone. I checked the car, thinking that perhaps I had left it there. Nope. So I went back in to the store and looked around. Nothing. I called it a few times from the Courtesy Desk, hoping someone would pick it up. Wrong again. So I left my name at the desk, and decided to head home. As I put the car in to drive, I started crying. I knew my phone was lost in there somewhere! So I went back in again and called my mom. I had her call and call and call while I walked around the store searching. Home Depot is really big. I was pretty upset. Picture it. Here I am crying, walking around the store, searching for my phone - which by the way calls my name when it rings - and praying out loud "Lord, please help me find my phone. Lord, please help me find my phone...." I am pretty sure everyone thought I was crazy - which I may very well be, but that is beside the point. So I went to leave, but called my mom on the way out first. She told me that someone had answered it, and it was at one of the cash registers! They had been paging me overhead in the store. I was so focused on finding my phone, that I did not even hear it! All that to say, my cell phone is home. It was lost, but now is found. Phew!

I think I will hit the Walmart... gotta love the open all night thing! I will leave my phone at home!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Pay It Forward

Sometimes life enables you to do something really great for someone else. And when it does, go for it! Sometimes God puts crazy ideas in your head... ideas that may not make sense at the time, but when He allows you to see even a glimpse of the bigger picture, makes you realize He has something great in store. Sometimes we just have to take these crazy ideas... these thoughts of greatness, and run with them. Pray about them, see where God wants you to be used, and then go there. We have been shown grace... we should therefore show grace to others. We have been forgiven, we must forgive. We have been so loved, we are called to love others. Pay it forward... it has a whole new meaning now.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

For Unto Us

I just returned home from a night at the NAC, where I attended my first Handel's Messiah. I have sung it several times before, but had never just gone and watched it. I must say that the second half was better than the first, but only because we changed seats. We were initially in the Mezzanine, where I had a hard time hearing the soloists, and found there was a lack on energy. I was not sure if it was real, or if it was me being a bit sad, and missing my good old choir days. What I would not give to have those back! But when we moved to the third row, my heart was lifted. The sounds, the faces, the energy... it was all there. I think I even cried at the Hallelujah Chorus! It was very hard to not sing along to the whole thing, but I managed.. for the most part! *S*

I love that perhaps the most famous of all Christmas presentations is something that talks about our Messiah... the real reason for the season - sorry, I know that sounds cliche, but it is true! The words quoted directly from Scripture! I wonder how many non believers even realize that!

It was wonderful... I am still singing ... For unto us a child is born!

Monday, December 18, 2006

This One's For You

I am a doer... a fixer. I encourage people when they are down... or just when I think they need it. I pick up the slack where it is needed. I try to find something I can do to make someones life a bit easier... a bit happier. When I am doing that, I am happy. I truly believe that it is not for my own glory... but rather for His... to show His love. I don't have to think about it... I just do it. It is not a sacrifice... it is just... me.

One of my dear sisters is going through a rough time. Stress is taking its toll on her both mentally and physically. I cannot take the stress away... I wish more than anything that I could. Sometimes I feel like all I can do is pray - and perhaps that is where I can be most effective. I pray that God would give me the words of encouragement she needs to hear. I pray that He will show me the little things I can do to make life a bit easier on her. I pray that He will provide for her, the way He always has, and that she would trust in that. I know that He has placed us each in each others lives for a reason. I know that there was much prayer behind this divine appointment of friendship. So I have to trust that He will use me in her life in whatever way He sees fit.

About a month ago I was going through a rough time myself. This same friend took me under her wing and took care of me. One evening we went shopping for Christmas decorations. She quickly learned 2 things that usually cheer me up... Christmas stuff and shopping. While in the Christmas Decor section of Canadian Tire, she pushed the "on" button of every single one of those dancing / singing / moving / really annoying stuffed Christmas things. The whole wall danced and sang. All I could do was stand there laughing. Who does that? Well, my dear friend, her sister (also a dear friend), and me.

After leaving said friends house this evening, I hit the drugstore. I came upon a display of dancing / singing / moving / really annoying stuffed Christmas things. I looked around to make sure no one was watching. I thought... this would make her smile... and I pressed the button on all of them. There were elves peeking out from santa hats, singing Christmas trees, and dancing snowmen. I laughed. I know she would have too!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Christmas Baking

Today was the day to really begin my Christmas baking. With Christmas Carols blaring, I made over 9 dozen Kourabeithes (Traditional Greek Christmas Cookies), Sucre de la Creme, Peanut Butter Chocolate Fudge, 4 dozen Truffles, and Almond Cashew Peanut Brittle. And all in 5 hours...not bad! Now I have to divide it all up and hand it out so that I don't we don't eat it all ourselves! *S*

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Marriage Proposal

I am on my second marriage proposal of the year. The first one was when I was in Greece. Actually, I was not proposed to formally in Greece... we just got married after he asked if I was single. I think that counts.

The second proposal happened tonight at work. Tis the season for Christmas Parties and the like... so we all brought in treats to share in the PICU. I made Gingerbread Cookies from one of my closest friends "secret family recipe"... ok, so it is not my real family, but they may as well be! The cookies were not as good as the last time I made them... a bit flat. But I was told that it is the taste that counts. The comments included: "They remind me of my grandma" .... "They are better than my Grandma Roses"... and my favourite ... " If I were not already married, I would marry you!" I think that counts as a proposal... don't you?

Thank you for the secret family recipe. That is what I called it all night when people asked for the recipe. Tee Hee...

Friday, December 15, 2006

Mud Sliding Anyone?

If me peeing on my sweater made you laugh, just wait until you read this!

So I leave my house this evening to go to work. I set the alarm and lock the door, only to realize it is pouring rain out. I decided to run back in to get my umbrella... I did not want to ruin my hair. When I opened my front door, I set off my house alarm. Ooops. So I was a bit late for work after sorting all that out.

I had a large box of clothing to bring in to work, so I met a friend of mine in the parking lot so she could help me carry it in. I drop my friend and the box off at the door and go to park my car. Before getting out of the car, I tuck my pants in to my socks. Being on the shorter side of things, my pants drag in the puddles... this way they stay dry. Here is where it gets good. Picture it, if you will.... I am carrying a grocery bag of candy, a grocery bag with my knitting, my work bag and my keys, and the umbrella as not to ruin my hair. All of a sudden I slip while walking down a small, muddy hill. My feet come right out from underneath me, one of my shoes (Birks) goes flying, and I land on my butt in a mud pile. I compose myself and get up. I am hopping around trying to find my shoe -barely holding on to my knitting - and I slip again, this time falling forward... yes, in to the same mud pile. I am soaked! I gather up my knitting - which had now fallen out of the bag, and the book that flew out of my work bag, and try to make my way to the door. Meanwhile, my friend keeps sticking her head out of the door to see where I was. She finally saw me and thought "oh... she stepped in a puddle". Stepped in a puddle? I am soaked! And muddy! I am laughing, but I kinda feel like crying. When I get closer, I turn around and say "Look at me arse" - which is of course covered in mud. I am not sure we have ever laughed so hard!

My pants are soaked - which is fine because I can get another pair from the OR. My shoes are covered in and filled with mud. My yellow socks (which by the way match my yellow bra and soaking wet, mud-stained underwear, as well as the brand new yellow sweater I am wearing), are soaking wet. My hair is dishevelled, and work is so busy that I just have to deal rather than go home and get dry clothes.

Lets just say that everyone at work has gotten a really good laugh. I cannot wait to get home and wash the mud out from between my toes!

What was that our mothers used to say? Never leave home without wearing clean underwear... just in case you get in to a car accident? *S*

Look at me arse!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

My Own Countdown to 30

I was inspired to start my journey in to the world of blogs after a dear friend began a blog on the last year of her 20's. Today marks the beginning of the last month of my 20's. Sadly, I will beat this dear friend to the big 3 -0. How am I taking it? Well, seeing as my birthday is usually one of the worst days of the year, I am not looking forward to it. I just keep thinking... " I was supposed to be married with 3 of my 6 kids by now!" I guess God had other plans. I am learning to trust in Him and wait on His perfect timing. So to mark the last month of my 20s, I will try to blog every day until the big day. I said "try"... so give me a break.

Today, at work, I peed on my sweater. Yup. Almost 30 and I peed on my sweater. It had those long ties that were apparently in the way. Oops. So I came home from work a bit early, and only mildly embarrassed... which is obvious because I am sharing it with the world. I am always up for a good laugh. Spent the evening with friends and their kids visiting none other than Jolly Ol' Saint Nick. One kid smiled like it was old hat. The other one cried until it was over... then he ran away laughing. Too funny!

So all in all, a good first day of the last month of my 20's. Will write again tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Christmas Cheer Was Spread - My Heart Was Blessed!

Tonight was the Met Youth annual "basket delivering night". It is a night that I remember looking forward to when I was in highschool, and that same excitement was obvious amongst the kids in the group. We arrived at our first house to see a man sitting by the window.... Mr P. It was clear that he was awaiting our arrival. We piled into his living room, and he began to tell us all about his life and the ministries he was involved in. It was fascinating. He arose from his chair with some difficulty, and puttered off to a nearby room. A few minutes later he returned with a large case. Inside the case was Denny. Mr P had been a ventriloquist back in the 60's. The kids took turns trying him out, and then Mr P showed us how it was really done. All of our eyes were wide with amazement... I am not sure any of us has seen a real, live ventriloquist.

One of our girls (who is studying opera) started off our carol sing with a beautiful rendition of O Holy Night. We then asked Mr P what he favourite carol was so we could sing it. His response? "All of them!" He, again, stood up from his chair, wobbled a bit, then said..."Let me go get my harmonica." He returned, harmonica and extra Christmas Songbooks in hand, and treated us to a few of his favourite carols, one being Silent Night. Again, we were all amazed. It was so great to see these kids in awe of this wonderful, godly man. And it was clear that our visit made his day. I think it made all of our days!

In my 5 years of basket delivery as a highschool student, as well as my first as a Youth Sponsor, one image sticks in my head. It is an image of something that I think I have seen in the home of nearly every single one of these godly men and women. I see an old chair - a comfy chair... covered in a blanket or two... sometimes with a pillow. A chair where many hours are spent. Beside the chair is a table with a lamp - the light directed at the chair. And on that table is an old, well used, much loved leather bound Bible. It is a beautiful sight. I can only imagine the hours that have passed as these godly figures, men and women who have been the backbone of our church, spend time in His Word... reading it... meditating on it... searching for answers... finding comfort... getting to know God's heart.

I hope and pray that one day, many, many years from now, a keen group of highschool students appear on my doorstep. They come bearing gift baskets and singing songs of the Christmas season. They will listen to me talk about my days as a youth sponsor. I pray that they will see that same beautiful sight... an old, well worn Bible, and have their hearts lifted as mine has been. I have been blessed.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Am I a Christmas Tree Snob?

A few of my very dear friends think I am a Christmas Tree Snob. Why? Because I have stated that if and when I do have kids, they will have their own tree to decorate with their handmade ornaments. They can even have coloured lights if they want. But their tree will be in the basement. Not that I won't cherish everything they make, but... Having some degree of OCD means that my tree is yes, themed. Silver and Blue. And white lights. Only white lights. I strongly dislike coloured lights. (These same dear friends are coloured lighters too!) My roomie loves the way our house is decorated at Christmas... of course, I don't let her do any of it! On the rare occastion that I allow her to put her ornaments on the tree, they go at the back.

Does this make me a Christmas Tree Snob? ( I know at least one of you are OCDers as well... support me here will ya?)

Monday, December 04, 2006

Just Around the Corner

Christmas is fast upon us. My tree is up... I have received my first Christmas cards in the mail... my gifts are coming along... we even have a bit of snow on the ground. Last evening our church had our "First Taste of Christmas". It was like an old fashioned night of Christmas Carolling - soloists, instumentalists, and congregational singing. It was a wonderful, yet overwhelming night. The atmosphere, the people, the love, as well as a bit of lonliness filled me with so much emotion. In fact, I pretty much cried through the whole thing. Christmas is one of those time where my emotions become exagerated. When I am upbeat and excited about Christmas, I am hyper, giddy, and full of enthusiasm. But I tend to fall apart a bit when I get over tired, become overwhelmed, or feel at all lonely (which for me is pretty easy to do, despite them many people around me who have shown me more love than I could have imagined). My prayer this holiday season is that I will somehow see Christmas in a new light. I am not sure what that means yet, but it is my prayer nonetheless.

Monday, November 27, 2006

A Few Of My Favourite Things

Every year about this time, I get excited about watching Oprah's Favourite Things show. One of my best friends and I have this tradition... watching Oprah, curled up on the sofa while adding up the cost of everything Oprah gives away. I have to say that I am a bit disappointed this year. I mean, I think it was great that she gave all that money away for people to do "good deeds" with, but I was really looking forward to watching her traditional Favourite Things show. So... in honour of that, here are just a few of my most favourite things!
  • Birkenstocks (with wool socks in the winter)
  • Shopping
  • Hugs
  • Blue Eyes & Brown Hair
  • Christmas, Christmas Carols, and white Christmas lights
  • Big, white, fluffy snowflakes (that stay on my nose and eyelashes!)
  • Singing in the shower... and the car (especially P&W songs, hands waving and all!)
  • Babies... well, kids in general
  • My very dear friend, Carla ... in fact, all of my dear friends!
  • Lying in the sun
  • My feet in the ocean
  • My old, ragged, torn, Club Monaco sweater that I simply cannot part with
  • Deb's laugh
  • Taking pictures and scrapbooking
  • Traveling the world
  • Cheap girly, fruity wine
  • Coke Zero
  • Chocolate
  • Bubble Baths (with a glass of that cheap, girly, fruity wine)
  • Reading a book by the fire at Chapters
  • Sleeping in late
  • Having flowers delivered to me... especially when there are lilies involved
  • Pedicures & Manicures
  • Hand written notes & cards... giving and receiving
  • Having coffee with friends
  • Breakfast at Cora's

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Entertainment Factor

I love to entertain, especially around Christmas time. Tonight I am having 2 or 3 girls from our Small Group, and my Co-Sponsor over for a bit. Nothing overly fancy, but seeing as my house is already decorated for Christmas, I figured I may as well turn on the Christmas lights, get the candles burning, and put a pot of cinnamon and cloves on the stove. I love having people in my home - God has allowed me to have it, so I may as well use it for Him right? Sadly, I don't do it often enough. When people come over, I usually like to have things meticulous. I am usually cleaning and staging right up until people arrive. But God reminded me today, (as I lay down for a long nap after being beat from working last night and not sleeping long enough this morning), that it is not about me... not about my house... but rather about Him... serving Him by serving others, and worshipping Him. I pray that God will use this evening of fellowship with some of the students for His glory.

"And when two or three of you are together because of me,
you can be sure that I'll be there"
Matthew 18:20 (msg)

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I was driving home late this evening, and took a moment to look up at the stars. I was reminded of a night many years ago. It was near the end of high school, and I was with a group of girls I had grown up in the church with. We were all about to go our separate ways. It seemed like everyone was leaving, and I was the only one staying... although I knew that was not true, that was how it felt at times. I think we were out at L's parents place... we were looking up at the stars. We picked a star that was in the big dipper to be "ours" ... if we looked at that star, it would remind us of the friendships we had waiting for us back home.

Some time in the months before that, we were on a camping trip. Now, for my self, I use that term loosely. We all know that I am too much of a Princess to camp. *S* I came up for the day with one of the boys, and went home with him that evening to sleep in my warm, cozy bed, rather than outside with the raccoons! It was then and there that the SLACKS necklaces were handed out. ( I still have mine). Each of our initials put together.... all 7 of us. (There were two Christa's.... so we shared.) It is amazing to me that all but one of us are still in contact to some degree. We have all gone our own ways... some are married, some have more children than we can keep track of, some are still right here, right where you left us. But we have at least two things in common.... our faith in our Lord and Saviour, and the lasting memories of a friendship forged so many years ago.

I am not sure how many of you "SLACKers" read this... one I know for sure. I am so looking forward to hopefully seeing all of you again this Christmas. Although we are only all together once or twice a year, it is as though nothing has changed. I am so thankful for the friendships from long ago that God has blessed me with. And today, when I looked up at the big dipper (although I forget with star was "ours"), I thought of you all.

Monday, November 20, 2006

It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Christmas

With 35 days until Christmas, I decided that it was no too early to start decorating! I am not totally done... I will wait a while to put my tree and garland up.... at least until Dec 1st. But I have tackled the main floor. Todays job? The basement!

I am about half way through my Christmas cards. I was looking up verses or poems to put in them. I think I have found one, which of course I cannot share with you incase you are one of the people I send a card to. But I can tell you the one that came in a close second.... (tee hee)

Roses are red
Violets are blueish.
If it weren't for Christians
We'd all be Jewish.

Still makes me laugh out loud!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Songs of Hope

Just over a week ago, Canadian singer and song writer Carolyn Arends performed a concert here in Ottawa. I, along with my Awana girls, went to support and hear this great Christian artist. She sang some of her older stuff, as well as several new songs from her recently released album Pollyanna's Attic. I bought the cd because two songs in particular that she performed moved me to tears. The album, as Arends proclaims, is a bit darker than her previous work. Very much filled with hope, but darker.

Over the past week I have had these poignant lines from her songs running through my mind. I have had a rough few days... really feeling Satan's attack, and trying with all my might (although not always succeeding), to not let him win. These words have become my prayer... they have given me hope.

The song To See Your Face (which was not one that she sang), really spoke to me. I have recently felt exactly what the chorus expresses... needing the Lords loving hand so badly, yet feeling as though I lack the utter strength to even ask for His help. To just turn to Him... to see Him, hear Him and feel Him... to leave our old ways behind, and make the better choice... the one that honours Him! Despite the struggles that have come my way, that is what I want to do.

If I ever get to see your face
And if you will spare me
I know that my allegiance to the human race
Will not ensnare me

If I ever get to know your mind
And I survive it
I'm sure that I will leave a way of life behind
I won't revive it

Lord, you know I need your love so bad
I hardly even have the strength To take Your hand

If I ever set to hear Your voice
And I can take it
I'm certain that I will listen
To the better choice
And I will make it

Part way through her concert, Carolyn sang Not Alone. I started crying then, and never really recovered. (Shocking, I know!) This verse really struck me... just to be reminded that there is nothing we could go through on earth that He has not already gone through. He promised us that He will never leave us. When I am under the worst of Satan's attacks, my nights become "nights with no relief". Loneliness and sadness are quick to set it. But even in those darkest times, He understands... and I am not alone.

There are friends who offer comfort, and they mean well
But sometimes it’s like salt inside a wound
And it’s good to speak of heaven,
when it feels more like hell
But we ask our hearts for healing much too soon
There’s a Man of Sorrows, acquainted with our grief
And He’s done His share of crying in the night with no relief
There isn’t any heartache that He has not known
So we are not alone

We are hard pressed, but we are not crushed
We are struck down but not destroyed
Cause no matter what may happen
We are not abandoned
We are not alone

Friday, November 03, 2006

Amazing Grace

Once again, it has been a while since I posted. I really should try to be a bit more faithful to my regular (ha ha) readers.

The past few weeks have been a bit rough. I tend to get a bit teary in the fall. Not really sure why. A few weeks ago, a friend commented that she thought I was holding on to something... not giving my all to God. Interesting observation. I figured she was probably right, but was not really sure what that was. As time passed, God spoke to me, and it became more and more clear. Yes, I was holding on to something... there was an area in my life I was not giving him total control of.

As I mentioned in my last post, we are studying the Armour of God at church. I had never really felt as though I was in a true spiritual battle until we started talking about it. Perhaps I just never acknowledged it. When we got to the sword of the Spirit, an interesting point was made. Not only is it a defensive weapon, used to stand our ground, but it is an offensive weapon, used to take back ground. I was really challenged by this to take back this particular area of my life. To take it back and give it to its rightful owner! I have already been paid for in full, don't you know! For far too long, I have believed the lies that Satan has told me about myself, my worth, and my God. It is time to stop believing his lies, and see myself for what I am: A forgiven, blood bought child of the King of Kings!

During all this, the same friend that confronted me on not giving my all to Him, was reading Max Lucados "In The Grip Of Grace." I read it many years ago, but decided to read it again. When discussing it, the same passage struck both of us. Here it is...

He Still Claims You:
First of all, remember your position – you are a child of God. Some interpret the presence of the battle as the abandonment of God. Their logic goes something like this: “I am a Christian. My desires, however, are anything but Christian. No child of God would have these battles. I must be an orphan. God my have given me a place back then, but he has no place for me now.”

That’s Satan sowing those seeds of shame. If he can’t seduce you with your sin, he’ll let you sink in your guilt. Nothing pleases him more than for you to cower in the corner, embarrassed that you’re still dealing with some old habit. “God’s tired of your struggles,” he whispers. “Your Father is weary of your petitions for forgiveness,” he lies.

Forgive me for my abrupt response, but who told you that you deserved forgiveness the first time? When you came to Christ did he know every sin you’d committed up until that point? Yes. Did Christ know every sin you would commit in the future? Yes, he knew that too. So Jesus saved you, knowing all the sins you would ever commit until the end of your life? Yes. You mean he is willing to call you his child even though he knows each and every mistake of your past and future? Yes.

How cool is that? No matter what, I am HIS and I am FORGIVEN. I didn't deserve it when I first came to Him, and I don't deserve it now. That is what is so amazing about grace. One more quick quote... Colossians 2:13-15

"God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross."

He has already won the battle. He has already triumphed over Satan and all his workers. He is the victor!

Ok... enough for now. Will try to post again soon... but don't hold your breath waiting!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Ephesians 6: The Armour of God. Verses I have committed to memory and studied several times in my life. Right now our entire church is doing a series on Standing Firm. We are studying it Sunday morning in "big church" as well as in our Sunday School classes. We are studying in in small groups and in Youth Group. We are studying it at home in our devotional time.

This week I learned something new about the shield of faith. The shield that was used in Romans times measured 4 feet by 2 feet. It was made of wood and had iron along the edges. The shield was covered with linen and leather. Roman soldiers used to soak their shields in water, so that when the enemy attacked with fiery arrows, they would not burn the wood, but would rather be extinguished.

That truth can totally be applied to our walk with the Lord. We have to soak ourselves in the Word. As our Pastor often says, marinate in it. For only when we are soaked in His Word can we really be equipped to quench the fiery darts Satan sends our way. The comparison really struck me.

The other point that was brought home was the fact that when you go to battle, you don't stand there all by yourself holding your shield. You stand shoulder to shoulder with others in battle. When you are too weak to hold on tight to your shield, others will hold theirs up around you. How great is that? How awesome to know that we have brothers and sisters we can rely on to help hold us up when we are weak.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Christmas Music

Is October 17th too early to be listening to Christmas Music? Sarah McLachlan's Christmas CD came out today. So as soon as I got home, I logged on to iTunes, and the download began. I could say that I was listening to it only to make sure it downloaded alright, but the truth is, I LOVE CHRISTMAS MUSIC! (I was actually on iTunes a few weeks ago, and saw that you can link up to a radio station that plays all Christmas Music. I resisted.) I usually put my Nativity Set out the first week of November... for the simple reasons that I love it (it is one of those Willow Tree Angels sets), and it was not cheap. So I figure I may as well get my moneys worth! Off to work with my new Christmas cd in hand!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Things that make my heart smile

Between work and life, the past few days have been a bit stressful. But through all that, there have been a few things that have made my heart smile.

Sunday evening I was waiting outside the front door at work waiting for a friend to come and pick me up. It had been a long day, and I was tired. The sun was just setting and there was a cool fall breeze in the air. These two older men walked by me, and in to the hospital. A few minutes later, they walked back out with drinks in hand from our coffee shop. They went and sat on a bench nearby. Let me see if I can describe the sight for you. One of the men was a large man... tall with a "pregnant belly". He had a burly, long grey beard, and wore dark jeans and a black t-shirt. He looked like a biker. The other man was a smaller man... dark weathered skin. I lost sight of them, but suddenly heard something that got my attention. I stood up to see where it was coming from. The big burly man sat on the bench drinking Coke from a bottle, while his friend sat beside him playing this amazing harmonica music. I wanted to dance. My heart smiled.

Today as I was leaving work, I saw a bunch of staff members carrying bunches of roses. I was informed that they were giving away free roses in Shipping and Receiving.... I had to walk by here to leave work. As it turned out, someone had donated boxes and boxes of 12 red roses that were being handed out to anyone who wanted them. One of my most favourite things ever is receiving flowers, so of course, this made my day. My heart smiled.

I was not feeling well this evening. (I think I have a stinken UTI) A friend called to ask a favour. Not feeling well, and being confined to my couch, I couldn't help her out. Instead, she drove over here to make sure I was ok... made me dinner, got me cranberry juice to drink, and made sure I would be ok staying here tonight (despite her best efforts to get me to come home with her!) It meant a lot knowing that someone would come check up on me like that. That is what real friends are for. My heart smiled.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Totally His

I have come here a few times today to write my thoughts... but alas, I could not come up with anything terribly enlightening! I don't write every day for that exact reason. So after much thought, I decided to share a quote that has become part of my testimony. It is a bit long... but it is good...stick with me.

Some time last year I was reading a book entitled "This Isn't The Life I Signed Up For..." by Donna Partow. A particular paragraph really spoke to me...

I recently had a friend confront me, very forcefully with an area of sin in my life. I admitted that I had never taken it very seriously - it went back to my old attitude that God was probably "winking" at my sin. My unspoken goal, in so many areas of my life, had always been to see "how much I could get away with and still sneak into heaven." ..."Don't you realize that you're cheating yourself? Don't you realize that someday we will be rewarded for our faithfulness?"... Every time I do the bare minimum, or try to get away with something, I am robbing myself.

That was me. I knew I was saved, but rather than growing in Him, I was trying to live as close to the world as I could, yet still slip in to heaven. I was luke warm. All my life I prayed that He would light a fire in my heart for Him. I thought it was something I longed for... something I thought I should have, having grown up in the church. Yet I was not willing to step away from the world and move closer to Him. No wonder any spark that was lit in my life always quickly burned out.

All this comes as I prepare my heart and pray for the Youth that will attend our HS Retreat this weekend. I remember how excited I was for them... I would literally count down the minutes. And I would always return to school on Monday morning with a new zest... a new enthusiasm for Christ. But more often than not, within a week or two, it was gone.

Sadly, this pattern continued well in to my adult life. In fact, it was reading that passage that really made me re-think things. God wants to much for from me and for me. And now, all I want to do is serve Him, follow Him, and grow in Him. I want to be totally His.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Kindred Spirits

When I think of the term Kindred Spirits, an old favourite movie of mine comes to the forefront of my mind... Anne of Green Gables. Some 15 years ago I met a wonderful, godly woman, who has become one of my dearest friends. More than that though, we learned that we truly were kindred spirits. Our lives had been divinely intertwined, despite the years between us. It was as though she could read my mind. And even now... we may not speak for weeks, but when I am a low point in my life, God always seems to place me on her heart. I will inevitably get a phone call..." I was just thinking about you..." She has always seemed to know me in a way that no one else did or could.

Recently I have gotten to know another wonderful, godly woman. Someone whose name and face I have known for years. Someone who is so filled with the Spirit that it overflows from her. Someone whose passion and desire to live in His will is contagious! Through a series of events I have gotten to know her better. And the the more I learn about her and her life, the more I see pieces of myself. It has become so evident that this too is a divinely appointed friendship. In a short time, she has ministered to my heart, and stretched my faith. She has encouraged me, loved me, supported me, cried with me, and prayed with me. I cannot help but think that she too may be one of those rare kindred spirits.

"I think you may be a kindred spirit, after all." Marilla to Anne

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Until next time, my friend

Last evening I said a fond farewell to a dear friend. She left Ottawa to head back to BC, and in a week will head back to Georgia...Russia, not the US. (Yes, this is the same friend who had the flight scare a few weeks ago. ) Having her here has been such a blessing. We have been out of touch for about 7 years, and recently God answered an old prayer... bringing her back in to my life. She has an awesome music ministry in Georgia, and I am happy for her to head home because I am convinced that is where God wants her. But at the same time, I will miss her terribly! I did so well yesterday... I didn't even cry when saying goodbye. But today, now that she is actually no longer here, I am sad. My parting gift to her was a necklace from one of my favourite jewellery designers, Andrea Waines. The necklace had a quote on it, that I think applies to both of our lives...
Today is a gift. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery.
Each new day is a gift from God. I am so thankful for the days we had to get reacquainted. Yesterday is history. Forget about what has happened in your past. Lay it at the cross, and leave it there! Tomorrow is a mystery.... only He knows what is in store for us. Live each day to the fullest for His Glory!
I miss you already my friend! Love you lots!

Monday, September 18, 2006


It has been awhile since I have posted. So much has happened, so I should have a lot to write about for a while. Tonight I want to share something from Youth Group last Wednesday. We watched a video where the narrator spent time discussing what it really meant in the Jewish culture to be a disciple... for Jesus or any other Rabbi. He quoted an old Jewish blessing that I want to share with you.

May you be covered in the dust of your Rabbi, Jesus.
I love all that implies! The Christian walk is so much more than following Christ. I mean, you can follow someone from a safe distance... you know, not to be noticed. But to be covered in the dirt of whom ever you are following implies a closeness. It implies being close enough to get really be involved in what they are doing. To do what they do, not just know what they know. That simple phrase hit me. I want to be covered in the dust of my Lord and Saviour.
So I leave you with that blessing.

Monday, September 04, 2006

The sega continues

To continue the saga from last night...

I kept checking the internet to see if there was any change in the flight status. Once it appeared that the flight had actually taken off, I left (again) for the airport. Just as I arrived at the terminal, my phone rings. It was my friend calling to tell me that she had not left TO yet, but was about to. So I set the alarm on my phone, and lay down for a nap on one of the pleather couches. My friend arrived around 0130. The first comment out of her mouth was "take me home". The second was " They took my lip gloss!" I laughed. Here I am thinking her plane was getting hijacked, and she is worried about her lip gloss!

So the story goes like this... As I mentioned, this lady got up while the plane was getting ready to take off, and heads for the door yelling "stop the plane... I need to get off the plane". Then her husband goes to get up. The flight attendants took charge and basically kept them quiet until the plane could get turned around and the police could escort them off the plane. They had to disembark the plane, bringing all their stuff with them. Of course, then came the task of determining what was left in the overhead bins belonged to others on the flight, and not the crazy people. In the end, the police determined that all the passengers had to leave the plane etc to have things checked out before they left. What a pain! All I can say is that I would probably not have handled things quiet as well. Who I am kidding? I was having a panic attack here at home waiting to hear what was going on!!!

I guess we will never be privy to what really happened, and why she was so desperate to get off that plane. (I did try to google the Toronto news to see if a story came of it... no such luck.) Crazy eh? So by the time I got to sleep, it was well after 0300. I had to work at 0700... it was not pretty. But I did get a lot of mileage out of this story at work!

I am just happy to have this dear friend in town, and look forward to spending time with her catching up on life.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Flight Plan

So it is 23:26 Sunday night. I just left my house to pick up a friend at the airport who was flying in from BC. I am a few blocks from my house and my cell phone rings. It is my friend, who I am picking up. Apparently some crazy lady (ok, so I say she is crazy, but really, there may be a very valid reason for all this...) stands up in the plane and starts yelling "stop the plane, stop the plane". Luckily the flight had not left the ground. So, my friend is stuck in Toronto while the police come and get the crazy lady off the plane! I am a bit stressed. I watched Flight Plan last night... if you have seen it, you can understand why I am a bit stressed! Arg! Not really sure what I should do next. Go to the airport? Stay home and wait for her to call back? Arg!

Well... that is probably the most interesting thing I will ever have to blog about.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Bruised Knees

Today I want to pay tribute to my Bruised Knee Sisters. A few weeks ago I began dealing with something that was very challenging to say the least. I needed to enlist the help of my dear friends in prayer. One of these dear friends ended her email to me with "Here's to bruised knees". From that, the group of my bruised knee sisters was formed.

What an awesome privilege we have, as sisters in the Lord, to come before His Throne on behalf of each other. I know that my "sisters" faithfulness in prayer is what is getting me through this situation.

I spend most of my social time with unsaved friends, namely my best friend. This trial has brought me that much closer to my Sisters in the Lord. It has given me a new appreciation for them, and I have committed to finding more time to spend with them. They are a true blessing in my life.

So here is one of my favourite quotes on friendship. Thank you to my BKS's who have shared this adversity with me.

Friendship makes prosperity more shining
and lessens adversity by dividing and sharing it

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Road Rage

Hello to my two faithful readers! *S* The past 2 hours have been filled with much emotion. I left work at 1536 today. Rather than take my usual route home, I took the Queensway. I had to pick up a parcel on Merivale... my new laptop! (On which I am writing this post! Woo Hoo!) Apparently the entire city is under construction. The QW was down to one lane. One stinken lane! So after much frustration, I got off at Carling...thinking I would drive down to Maitland etc. Well, Carling was also down to one lane. Are you kidding me? I freaked. I got home at 1700. Yes, it took me almost an hour and a half to get home! Usually it takes me 20 minutes... 25 in traffic....45 in a bad snow storm. Today made me understand road rage. Really. There was not enough music in the world to keep me happily singing along. I was pulling out my hair...literally! All I wanted to do was start honking on my horn like a crazy woman. I didn't though. I was so ticked when I got home. Thankfully, I had just enough Ben & Jerry's ice cream to cool my jets!

So I set up my laptop, knowing that I would not be able to get on the internet. I have not yet received my wireless modem. But who knew??? I somehow have managed to tap in to someone else's wireless connection. (Is that legal?) It will do for now!

My quote of the day.... not sure who said it, but I can attest to its truth...

There are 2 seasons in Ottawa. Winter and Construction.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Water Bottles

Tonight was awesome! My latest venture is to become a High School Sponsor. (For now, during the "probation period", I am a wannabe sponsor.) Seems kinda crazy because I feel like I am the same age as these kids. Only sadly, I am nearing the big 3 - 0! Tonight was my first night. We met at the site of our new church at the corner of Prince of Wales and Hunt Club. It is a wooded area with a small clearing. Lotsa mosquitoes. I am envisioning NOT having fun, and getting poison ivy. I am not very outdoorsy!

The "surprise" plan for the night was to deliver free water (in bottles) to people in the neighbourhood of our new church. ( I am thankful because when they did this last summer, they played Capture the Flag. I am itchy just thinking about how eaten alive I would be.) As we handed them out, we had the chance to talk to people about the church, and ultimately about God. So we went off in groups of 10, collected bags, boxes and handfuls of water bottles, are loaded on to buses, and taken to residential areas.

It was amazing to see these Jr High and High School kids so excited for people to listen to their message and accept a free water bottle. The (many) times they were rejected were great teaching tools... how many times will we share our faith and be rejected. These kids were so great. I am so proud of them! It did my heart good. This is what I want to do. This is where I feel God wants me to be.

So my quote for the day is from the water bottles we passed out. (Well, ok. So really it is from the Bible, only paraphrased!)

"Every person who drinks this water will be thirsty again.
But whoever drinks the water Jesus gives will be satisfied."
John 4:13-14
What made me laugh was that when I got back to my car, one of the kids had ministered to me by putting a water bottle on it!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

1000 Places To See

After a short morning nap (post nights), my best friend and I went to the local Starbucks / Chapters for some afternoon entertainment. Today we were drawn to the book entitled "1000 Places To See Before You Die". Of course, we took the time skim through it and see just how much (little) of the world we had seen. Between the 2 of us, we found 46 places we had been to. So that leaves 954 to go! So much to see, so little time!

We wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment.
-Hilaire Belloc

Monday, August 21, 2006


One of my favourite quotes.... nothing else to say today.

“Security is an illusion. Life is either a daring adventure or it is nothing at all.”
-Helen Keller

Sunday, August 20, 2006


Todays quotes have double significance. I spent the afternoon at a family and friends shower for my sisters upcoming wedding. Yup... the Greeks were there. It was a glimpse into what the wedding day will be like. My sister is "taking one for the team" as she says. I am now even more convinced that I will have a nice, small, quiet wedding on a beach somewhere.

This evening was the Closing Ceremony for the Ottawa Greek Festival. Some friends and I braved the rain for just a little more souvlaki, baklava, music and of course dancing. Thanks to my Thia Vana's dancing lessons when I was in Greece, I am getting better. The whole night made me home sick. I would give almost anything to live in Greece... despite my crazy family... I miss them. I truly felt as though I left a part of my heart and soul there. I know that sounds cheesy, but it is true.

So in honour of my Greek heritage and the upcoming wedding, here are some quotes from one of my all time favourite movies... My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

Ian, if you're gonna be in this family, I get you some earplugs because the Portokalos women, if they're not nagging someone... THEY DIE! (Yianni)
(same goes with the Papadoupoulos / Patton / Ramsay women!)
My family is big and loud but they're my family.
We fight and we laugh and yes, we roast lamb on a spit in the front yard.
And where ever I go, what ever I do they will always be there. (Toula)
(Yes, we used to roast lamb on a spit my aunts back yard)
Nikko! Don't play with food! When I was your age, I didn't have food! (Maria)
What do you mean he don't eat no meat? Oh, that's okay. I make lamb. (Voula)

You family now, so I tell you a story. All my life ... I have this lump on the back of my neck. When I reach the menopause, the lump get bigger. I go to the doctor, and he performs a ... bo-bo-bobopsy. And inside the lump, he finds teeth, and a spinal column. The lump ... it was my twin....opa! (Voula)

When I was growing up, I knew I was different.
The other girls were blonde and delicate,
and I was a swarthy six-year-old with sideburns. (Toula)
Forget being six and feeling that way! Try being almost 30 and feeling that way!

The man is the head of the house,
but the woman is the neck; she can turn the head any way she wants. (Maria)

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Laptops and Lunch

Nothing much going on today. I have spent most of the day looking at laptops on the internet. I thought that I would treat myself... getting a new job and all. I am looking at DELL... only because they have pay over 48 months with 0% interest, and a free shipping deal. Can't go wrong for $40.00 a month. Any thoughts?

Then a friend called and we went out for lunch. So thought that this quote from my favourite yellow bear was appropriate.

“It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn't use long,
difficult words but rather short, easy words like "What about lunch?"”
Winnie the Pooh

Friday, August 18, 2006


All week I have been praying for wisdom and strength in handling a particular situation. Today I took a step towards the outcome. I did not get as far as I wanted, nor did I get the response I wanted. Meaning, I think there is more to come. So I have two thoughts on wisdom today... one that is serious, and one that made me laugh.

Whatever is at the center of our life will be the source of our security,
guidance, wisdom, and power.
- Stephen Covey
How true. And how awesome when God is the center of our lives!

It's so simple to be wise.
Just think of something stupid to say and then don't say it.
- Sam Levenson

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Sacred Tears

There was a lot of sadness today at work. The day was spent trying to save a little life that is quickly nearing an eternity of glory. Many of my colleagues had cared for this little guy for his entire life... 5 months. Many people ask how I can work in a pediatric critical care setting. My response: "I cry a lot." There is no shame in it. In fact, I think that it comforts parents to know that the people caring for their loved one.... the people who have spent more time with their child than they have themselves... these people have grown to love their child too. So that said, here are Washington Irvings words of wisdom for today.

“There is a sacredness in tears.
They are not the mark of weakness, but of power.
They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues.
They are messengers of overwhelming grief...and unspeakable love.”