Monday, September 18, 2006


It has been awhile since I have posted. So much has happened, so I should have a lot to write about for a while. Tonight I want to share something from Youth Group last Wednesday. We watched a video where the narrator spent time discussing what it really meant in the Jewish culture to be a disciple... for Jesus or any other Rabbi. He quoted an old Jewish blessing that I want to share with you.

May you be covered in the dust of your Rabbi, Jesus.
I love all that implies! The Christian walk is so much more than following Christ. I mean, you can follow someone from a safe distance... you know, not to be noticed. But to be covered in the dirt of whom ever you are following implies a closeness. It implies being close enough to get really be involved in what they are doing. To do what they do, not just know what they know. That simple phrase hit me. I want to be covered in the dust of my Lord and Saviour.
So I leave you with that blessing.

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