Tuesday, December 19, 2006

For Unto Us

I just returned home from a night at the NAC, where I attended my first Handel's Messiah. I have sung it several times before, but had never just gone and watched it. I must say that the second half was better than the first, but only because we changed seats. We were initially in the Mezzanine, where I had a hard time hearing the soloists, and found there was a lack on energy. I was not sure if it was real, or if it was me being a bit sad, and missing my good old choir days. What I would not give to have those back! But when we moved to the third row, my heart was lifted. The sounds, the faces, the energy... it was all there. I think I even cried at the Hallelujah Chorus! It was very hard to not sing along to the whole thing, but I managed.. for the most part! *S*

I love that perhaps the most famous of all Christmas presentations is something that talks about our Messiah... the real reason for the season - sorry, I know that sounds cliche, but it is true! The words quoted directly from Scripture! I wonder how many non believers even realize that!

It was wonderful... I am still singing ... For unto us a child is born!


Tamara said...

That was a great post! I'm the mother of four children who greatly appreciates your blog. It's fun to read and HIGHLY entertaining...you'll have to check out my story about going to the store with the children...I too think I might be other peoples entertainment! :)
Thanks for sharing your faith and love of Christ. Its a blessing.

.: Christa :. said...

Thanks for your encouragment! I will have to check out your entertainment factor as well! Nice to know my creative juices (or whatever you call them) are not going to waste!

4ever29 said...

I love the Messiah. There's a church in Vancouver that does a Sing-a-long Messiah in December. I've always wanted to go. Maybe next year.

Tamara said...

Thanks for the uplifting comment! I appreciate you! Have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!