Saturday, December 30, 2006

Bye Bye Laptop

Today, well, last night to be honest, was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. I think I will move to Australia. (And visit my Holly, who I miss terribly!) I was sick. During one of my not so fine moments, I started to feel woozy and faintish. As I sat myself down on the sofa, I spilled my juice. I didn't think it got on my laptop, but apparently I was wrong. It short circuited the hard drive. Lost and gone forever... or so the Dell guy says. He thinks it is a virus, so is sending me a new hard drive. But when my friends brother opened it up, it was full of juice. I am devastated. I know, it is only a piece of electronics, but of course I did not back anything up, so fear I have lost all my emails, my pictures, my music, and my writing. ARG!!!! I feel as though I have been robbed or something! How crazy is that. I have grown so accustomed to having my trusty laptop at my side, that I feel naked without it. So... we can all pray that someone will get this thing up and running soon - not only for my sanity, but b/c I need it for a conference I go to in 10 days.... and also that we will be able to recover what I think is lost. In the meantime... Holly in Australia, here I come!

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