Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I was driving home late this evening, and took a moment to look up at the stars. I was reminded of a night many years ago. It was near the end of high school, and I was with a group of girls I had grown up in the church with. We were all about to go our separate ways. It seemed like everyone was leaving, and I was the only one staying... although I knew that was not true, that was how it felt at times. I think we were out at L's parents place... we were looking up at the stars. We picked a star that was in the big dipper to be "ours" ... if we looked at that star, it would remind us of the friendships we had waiting for us back home.

Some time in the months before that, we were on a camping trip. Now, for my self, I use that term loosely. We all know that I am too much of a Princess to camp. *S* I came up for the day with one of the boys, and went home with him that evening to sleep in my warm, cozy bed, rather than outside with the raccoons! It was then and there that the SLACKS necklaces were handed out. ( I still have mine). Each of our initials put together.... all 7 of us. (There were two Christa's.... so we shared.) It is amazing to me that all but one of us are still in contact to some degree. We have all gone our own ways... some are married, some have more children than we can keep track of, some are still right here, right where you left us. But we have at least two things in common.... our faith in our Lord and Saviour, and the lasting memories of a friendship forged so many years ago.

I am not sure how many of you "SLACKers" read this... one I know for sure. I am so looking forward to hopefully seeing all of you again this Christmas. Although we are only all together once or twice a year, it is as though nothing has changed. I am so thankful for the friendships from long ago that God has blessed me with. And today, when I looked up at the big dipper (although I forget with star was "ours"), I thought of you all.

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