Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Ten Things You May Not Know

Inspired by a game of blog tag going around, I thought I would join in the fun and share ten things you may not know about me. Here it goes....

1. I can shove mini jelly beans (and other small objects) up my nose with my tongue. (Don't ask how I figured out I could actually do that.)

2. I can peel a banana with my toes. (I really should be on "Stupid Human Tricks" or something.)

3. My feet have touched the ground in 10 different countries.

4. When I read a book, I read the last page first.

5. I like to (need to?) push the button on the elevator the number of times of the floor I am going to.

6. I have sung for the Queen of England, the late Lady Di, Prince Charles, & Fergie.

7. I have been on the Wayne Rostead Christmas Special. Twice. (I should not be proud of that, I know.)

8. I have performed on stage with Mr DressUp, Great Big Sea, Alanis Morisette, Bob from Sesame Street, Susan Aglukark, The Rankins, Gail Gaven... and Wayne of course, but you know that already!

9. I sucked my fingers (instead of my thumb) well into my teenage years.

10. I have a unilateral duplicated collection system. (In layman's terms, I have 2 ureters on one side, both of which (in theory) drain into my my bladder.

Now don't you feel enlightened? And if by chance you actually knew all these things about me... well... that is just plain scary!


Abner's Girl said...

I am nothing!!! Next to you I am a blob of nothing! Not only am I shopping flunkee...I don't even have 10 interesting things about me to list!! Woe is me!

.: Christa :. said...

You are not. Hmmm.... Let me see what I can come up with. Or you could think of it this way... I am a freak!!! I miss you.