Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Shopping 101

In honour of the Boxing Day Shopping that I did not get to do, I thought I would highlight a few things I learned this Christmas Season while on various shopping adventures with a non-shopper friend of mine. (There is probably only one person who will think this is funny. I myself thought it was very clever... took forever though!)

People who shop at 2am seem less grumpy than those who shop at 2pm.
Really, it does not matter if you shop last minute, as long as it gets done!
If you can't find the size you are looking for, dismantle the display.
Never underestimate how many oranges a family of 17 can eat.
Charging your cart at a kid purposely blocking the isle is good clean fun.
Even if they are really, funny, $25 is too much for a cheap t-shirt. (PhD!!!)

One store (10 minutes) always turns in to more than that (an hour).
Friends who shop together, drop together.

Even tall people cannot reach the back of the top shelf..
Gift cards are only good if the system is up and running!
You can buy basically everything at Loblaws.
Pushing the on buttons to all the singing Christmas toys is fun!
There are some who don't have a system for avoiding stairs at The Shore.


John A Hill said...

Hi Christa,
I was just reading som random blogs (as I do from time to time) and stumbled upon yours. I enjoy posts from a fellow believer. Feel free to drop by my page sometime.

Keep the faith,

Abner's Girl said...

I am ashamed to admit that I am the first to completely flunk out of the Princess Christa school of shopping! Whatever will become of me?