Friday, March 23, 2007


I have already commented on the "driving devotion" series I did on Joy. The next in the series is on faith. A coincidence? Seeing as what God wanted for me to say was that I believed... that I had faith in Him? I think not. In fact, the end of one of the devotions said "God is longing to hear us say that we trust Him." All this, the day after my "Yet" blog. Amazing how He works. That really affirmed that He is in control.

Something that was said in one of the tracks really hit struck me. It started by saying, "Life is hard. God is good." Two truths that we face every day. And every day I have a choice. What will I hear first? God? Or the evil one? Will I hear a song on the radio? A horrible news story? Or will I choose to hear His voice first. That is the part that hit me. Hearing Him first.

In this case, I think that "first" can have two connotations. First....foremost... above all else. All valid. All important. But I also think it can mean first...not second... first. As in, the very first thing I physically hear in the morning. And this is where I was convicted. Rather than hear about things of this world and then have that impact my thoughts on God, I should hear from Him first. And let Him impact my thoughts on the things of this world. Perhaps if I hear Him first, it will set the stage for the rest of my day. Not perhaps. It will.

I have a hard time praying and doing devotions in the morning when I get up early and have to go to work.... I fall asleep. Which is why I do my devotions in the car, and spend time in prayer as I drive. So I am not sure what this all means. Maybe I need to have a worship cd on while I get ready, rather than the radio show I listen to that is not God honouring. Perhaps it means showering and then spending time in His word before I continue to get ready. I am not sure what this will look like. I just know that I need to choose differently. I need to choose to hear Him first.

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