Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Every Princess Needs A Dinky Car

Some days I feel totally uninspired. Other days I could blog about a million things. Tonight is one of those nights!

When I work my admin days, my hours are pretty flexible. I work (and I use that term loosely) 8 hours, but it does not really matter when I start and when I end. So I tend to sleep in a bit. That means that my parking lot is pretty much full by the time I saunter in. I could park in another lot... the Losers Lot... in the back 40. But I don't like to when it is minus 100 out! I am a Princess... I get cold easily! So I, along with many others, have found a solution. I... I mean... we, park sort of illegally at the end of the row... where there really isn't a parking spot. I am always careful not to block anyones safe exit from their own spot... which is not hard because my car is pretty small. Some might even call it a dinky car. I have been informed that my friends son has toy cars that are bigger than mine. Hmph.

So today as I arrived at my car, I noticed a white paper on the window. Turns out, I received a warning for a parking infraction: not parking within the lines. As if! Don't they see the plates? (HRHCRSTA) I have diplomatic status man! I should be immune! I am a Princess! My Father is the King of Kings! *LOL* (Or, LOL+OL for those of you... or more like, for the one of you who thinks that is how it should be.) Oh well. Guess I should be happy that it was a warning and not a ticket. That said, the bottom of it did say that I was liable to the City of Ottawa for the above infraction... what does that mean? Are they going to send me a ticket in the mail??? So confused. The funniest part is that the warning was written at 0955.... which is pretty much when I got to work! I think I got there at 945. As if!

Another kinda funny car story.... I was on my way to Youth Group tonight, when this guy totally cut me off. In high school someone taught me about the 10 second horn. (Thanks Jeff!) I don't use it often, but this was the perfect opportunity. Until tonight, I had always wondered why people do not really respond to my horn... like they don't hear or see me...even when I give them the 10 second horn. Now I believe what people have been telling me: My horn is the horn of a dinky car! A bike horn would make more noise than that thing! It is ok for a little "toot toot"... but now so good for the 10 second horn. How embarrassing!

You are right. I drive a dinky car.


Abner's Girl said...

I know...I'm always right...just ask me!

.: Christa :. said...

Hmmm... I think I have heard that before.