Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Here I am To Worship

Ok... I have not had a really good, heartfelt post in a while. I kinda lost my groove there for a bit. Was in a rut... spiritually and otherwise. But I have gotten realigned with God, and all is good. I have a few blog-worthy topics in my head, but first I need to finish what I started... talking about the Battle of the Retreats.

Saturday night is always the "show me the money" night. Typically after the speaker closes, the Worship Band plays quietly for a bit while people are given the opportunity to respond. Some get up and leave. Some head to a quiet place elsewhere. Some sit and pray and worship. I wish that I could put into words what happened this past Saturday night. I have had to let it soak in because it is almost too overwhelming to even talk about., and I am not sure that my words can adequately describe the beauty I witnessed. I saw a whole new picture of heaven that night. I felt it. I tasted it. I longed for it.

I am sure that we all imagine what heaven will be like. I am also sure that nothing we could imagine here on earth will even compare to what awaits those of us who have a relationship with Christ. I love the thought of us singing praises to Him... forever.

Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, singing: "To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!" (Rev 5:13)

I had always imagined myself gathered with my dearest friends(mainly the ones who can carry a tune) and all other believers, (and ok... if I am totally honest, with Sandy Patty) in a choir format, singing in beautiful three (or four) part harmony. As I said, I saw a whole new picture of what heaven might be like.

Rather than start playing immediately, the worship band let a cd run in the background for a while. To be honest, I am not really sure when the cd stopped and the band started. But as the cd was playing, people were worshipping. I love worshipping with the kids in the high school group. It is so genuine. It is fall on your knees, sit and pray, sing your heart out kind of worship. What happened on the retreat was no different. At one point I came out of my own world of worship, and took in the beauty that was around me.

As I listened, I heard 20+ people singing. No one was singing the same thing. In fact, I am not even sure what song was being sung. We were all just singing... worshipping. Some were crying out to Him for mercy. Some were praising Him for His greatness. Some were thanking Him for all He had done in their lives. It was spontaneous. It was personal. No ones words were the same. No ones tune was the same. But it all melded into one glorious sound. A choir of voices singing their own song to Him. It was so beautiful. (And if you know me, you know I am a bit of a music snob. One of my faults is not always being able to look beyond something that may not sound all that great, and appreciate it because it is bringing Him glory and telling the message of His love for us. So for me to say that 20+ people singing their own song sounded beautiful, it really had to be something!)

As I looked around I saw people picking up instruments and playing them for Him... guitars, violins, a cello, bass guitar, bongos, keyboard. Those who could play just picked up and played when the Spirit led them to. There were people sitting in their chairs with their heads bowed. There were people sitting on the floor. There were people dancing. There were people standing, arms and voices lifted to Him. There were people in groups. There were people in their own corner of the room. No one paid attention to anything but worshipping our Lord! And however the Spirit led them, is how they worshipped. This literally went on for hours, but it was as though there was no sense of time. Just honest, heartfelt, purest worship.

I know that when two or three are gathered, He is there. But there are just some times when we really feel, like literally feel, His presence. That was one of those times. There is no doubt in my mind that His Spirit was moving through that room, bringing people closer and closer to the God they love and serve.

I was moved to tears. All I could do was sit, take it all in, and life my voice to Him. "Here I am to worship. Here I am to bow down, and say that You're my God."

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