Thursday, February 01, 2007

Cubicle Etiquette

So my new job as Clinical Educator (part time) has landed me an office. I started this job in the fall, but am just not getting settled in to my "new home". I was first given a really big space... nice windows and all. But it was in a portable, outside the hospital - which was just not going to work. So I finally got moved "in-house". I am in the very depths of the hospital now, but in-house nonetheless. I have entered in to the land of cubicles!

So I am in a room with 3 people and a work station of sorts for some of the students that come through. One of my office mates has a radio on all the time. I don't usually mind... it is a station I listen to. But sometimes I want quiet. (Especially on a day like today when I have absolutely no work to do, so spent my time doing my devotions... yes, there is something wrong with that statement, but what can you do!?) She is only actually in her cubicle 1/2 the time... but when she is away, she leaves the radio on. Is it more disturbing to have the radio flip on and off? Or to have it on all the time? And really what is the etiquette when it comes to cubicles?

I thought I would do a bit of research. Apparently, keeping your radio on low is okay. Interesting. Check it out.


Abner's Girl said...

As if you researched cubicle etiquett!!! Clearly I am not giving you enough to do...we'll start on my GST filings tomorrow!!!

.: Christa :. said...

I meant to look at them when I was there tonight. Yup. I researched it. Gotta love google!