Thursday, February 15, 2007


Ok.... my next blog was supposed to be a continuation of my aha moments... but tonight I am feeling otherwise inspired.

I am so blessed. In many of my blogs I have mentioned a particular dear friend of mine who has meant more to me than she will ever know.... who has supported me, prayed with me, been honest with me, stretched my faith, and laughed (out loud) with me the whole time. But she is not the only blessing I have received. Her entire family has been like a second family to me. They have welcomed me into their home when I have needed to not be alone. They have invited me to spend family holidays with them. They have become my second family. (In fact, now I need to refer to my real family as "the biologicals"!)

Today while this dear friend was putting the "wee ones" to bed, 2 of her older sons and I... well... we played. Or more like, I got ganged up on and attacked! I tried to use the younger of the two as a shield, but to no avail... he got away. So I resorted to a laundry basket and running and screaming like a girl. I had a blast! When I went to leave, the older of the two went out to start my car.... and drive my car...forward and back... forward and back. He finally let me in, but in the mean time jumped into the passenger seat and took me hostage! So we drove around for a bit before his mother called us home.

All that to say.... I have watched people with brothers before. My room mate for example... she has 2 younger brothers. When guy friends tease her- like not in a mean way, but like they would tease their sister- she has always known how to take it.. and give it right back. Although I have a 1/2 brother, he has never been a part of my life. I never had that "brother like" relationship. Someone who would make fun of me as I sobbed through Greys Anatomy, but only after he hid the batteries in the remote control a few months earlier so I would miss the show. Someone who would tease me, and I could punch for it. Someone who would be gentleman enough to offer to make me a sandwich or warm up my car, but only after he shoved fish (which I hate) down my throat, and chased me around the house with a toy gun that shoots these little balls. (Which, by the way, HURT!)

I have been blessed not only by this dear friend, but also by her family. I thank God for them everyday.... the wee ones - my "niece and nephew", and the not so wee ones - my "brothers". I adore you guys!


Abner's Girl said...

We adore you more! BTW...You made me cry!

Abner's Girl said...

Who am I kidding...anything makes me cry these days...just a blubbering idiot!

.: Christa :. said...

Well then we are even because I just read your blog... figured the link at the bottom of your last email meant there was some reading for me... you made me cry!

Sonia said...

What am I? Chopped liver? The sister no one talks about?? The crazy black sheep of the family????? :P Just you too! ;)