The past few weeks have been a bit rough. I tend to get a bit teary in the fall. Not really sure why. A few weeks ago, a friend commented that she thought I was holding on to something... not giving my all to God. Interesting observation. I figured she was probably right, but was not really sure what that was. As time passed, God spoke to me, and it became more and more clear. Yes, I was holding on to something... there was an area in my life I was not giving him total control of.
As I mentioned in my last post, we are studying the Armour of God at church. I had never really felt as though I was in a true spiritual battle until we started talking about it. Perhaps I just never acknowledged it. When we got to the sword of the Spirit, an interesting point was made. Not only is it a defensive weapon, used to stand our ground, but it is an offensive weapon, used to take back ground. I was really challenged by this to take back this particular area of my life. To take it back and give it to its rightful owner! I have already been paid for in full, don't you know! For far too long, I have believed the lies that Satan has told me about myself, my worth, and my God. It is time to stop believing his lies, and see myself for what I am: A forgiven, blood bought child of the King of Kings!
During all this, the same friend that confronted me on not giving my all to Him, was reading Max Lucados "In The Grip Of Grace." I read it many years ago, but decided to read it again. When discussing it, the same passage struck both of us. Here it is...
He Still Claims You:
First of all, remember your position – you are a child of God. Some interpret the presence of the battle as the abandonment of God. Their logic goes something like this: “I am a Christian. My desires, however, are anything but Christian. No child of God would have these battles. I must be an orphan. God my have given me a place back then, but he has no place for me now.”
That’s Satan sowing those seeds of shame. If he can’t seduce you with your sin, he’ll let you sink in your guilt. Nothing pleases him more than for you to cower in the corner, embarrassed that you’re still dealing with some old habit. “God’s tired of your struggles,” he whispers. “Your Father is weary of your petitions for forgiveness,” he lies.
Forgive me for my abrupt response, but who told you that you deserved forgiveness the first time? When you came to Christ did he know every sin you’d committed up until that point? Yes. Did Christ know every sin you would commit in the future? Yes, he knew that too. So Jesus saved you, knowing all the sins you would ever commit until the end of your life? Yes. You mean he is willing to call you his child even though he knows each and every mistake of your past and future? Yes.
How cool is that? No matter what, I am HIS and I am FORGIVEN. I didn't deserve it when I first came to Him, and I don't deserve it now. That is what is so amazing about grace. One more quick quote... Colossians 2:13-15
"God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross."
He has already won the battle. He has already triumphed over Satan and all his workers. He is the victor!
Ok... enough for now. Will try to post again soon... but don't hold your breath waiting!
There is nothing more amazing to me than the grace that God has shown to us and the hope that comes with it. Thanks for reminding me of that this morning.
Wow...that "friend" of yours must love you lots! Only real friends tell the truth...and you are sooooo loveable, Precious Princess Christa! It truly is AMAZING that He has Grace for us remedial christians!
Love you!
Anonymous - you make my heart smile. Love you too.
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