Sunday, January 07, 2007

Sandals & Snow Angels

What a strange few days is has been weather wise. On Friday it was warm enough for me to be outside in my Birks... no socks... January 5th. Today I thought I would go and get my car washed. I later arrived at a friends house only to see her neighbour hand washing his car on the drive way... January 7th. But by the time I left her house, is was snowing... beautiful, big, fat snowflakes! I made my very first snow angel of 2007. (I wonder if it is still there.) As I was driving home, I regretted having already taken down my Christmas decorations. Oh well.

One week til the big 3-0! Yikes!


Abner's Girl said...

The Snow Angel still lives!! The kids were delighted by it...even the big ones!
Love you!

4ever29 said...

I don't think I know anyone who will enter 30 with the grace and class that you possess. I on the other hand cried on New Year's Eve when I realized I had entered the year that I will turn 30.

Michelle said...

30 is not so bad. It was one of the best years of my life. I married a wonderful man that year. :-)

I pray that you too will have the year of your dreams!