Saturday, January 13, 2007


It has been a while since I gave my faithful followers something to read. *S* This week has been pretty busy as I was out of town on a course/conference for work. But right before I left, as well as while I was away, something really cool happened. I am not sure I can even describe it... I have tried to one person, and am convinced that she only understands what I am talking about because she too has experienced it.

I was at a bit of a breaking point.. uncontrollable tears, panic attacks etc. Something I have done cyclically all my life. I get to the point of being near irrational... it is very frustrating, but usually goes away in a few days. (I will say that it is more than likely a really really bad case of the pms crazies... I am not totally losing my mind!) After spending a day in bed, I went to a friends place for a change of scenery. I left bawling after she and her husband took the time to pray for me. I barely made it home... I was so beyond getting control of my emotions, that I nearly turned back. I got home and cried for a while longer, all the while praying that God would just make this stop. As I got in to bed, my prayers were answered. He did make it stop. Literally, all of a sudden, I could not longer cry... I tried! It was as though all my anxiety, all my sad emotions were taken from me. As I lay in bed, I felt surrounded... covered. Literally. It was a though I could feel His hand... his really, really big hand, covering me. I felt protected. I felt warm. I felt safe. I felt like someone was lying on top of me, sheltering me... covering me. It was the strangest feeling. It took me by surprise because although I have known of His presence with me before, there have been very few times when I have allowed myself to fall completely in to Him ... it seemed as though when I did, I could actually FEEL Him.

The next night was my first night out of town. As many of you know, I don't sleep so well when I am not in my own bed... especially the first night away. I am not sure I slept at all that night. Usually, that would make me panic, especially in light of the 10 hour course I had the next day! But again, I felt covered. I was able to just lie there in His presence... covered by Him... and be ok. It made me realize all I am missing out on when I don't just give it fully to Him. He is big enough, and He will take it!

Well... by the time my next post arrives, I will be 30. R- I will let you know how it goes! *S*


Tamara said...

Happy 30 to you! It is a great time, I promise. I've made it to 32 with little to no stress...although I officially found my first gray hair the other was a moment of sheer sadness...

As for you...that post was truly awesome! Thank you for sharing.

.: Christa :. said...

*S* I found my first grey hair when I was 22. It probably didn't help me much that my grandfather was white in his 20's. Now, I just keep the hair dye coming... I don't really want to know! Thanks for your comments... glad my life, trials and occasional insights can be an encouragement to someone else. God bless!