Friday, January 19, 2007

Are Those Breaths Real?

Funny story. So yesterday afternoon at work, our cardiac patient comes out. There is always a whole lot of hullabaloo. People everywhere, everyone with their own job to do. The Surgeon and his team, Anesthesia handing over the patient to the RT, at least 2 RNs sorting out lines, mixing new drugs etc, an ECG Tech, and X-Ray tech, not to mention the PICU staff and the Residents. Lots of hands in the pot. I am minding my own business, doing my own thing. I just finished setting up the ventilator, and was writing down some numbers, when I hear the staff MD talking to me. He asks "are those breaths real or are they yours?" It was as though the room got just quiet enough for everyone to hear - or should I say, mis-hear what he said. It sounded a lot like "Are those breasts real or are they yours?" I stopped dead in my tracks, as did everyone else to see my reaction. If the brown skinned doctor could have turned red, he would have! He will never live it down, that's for sure!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

ROFL - so funny and awkward! Happy belated birthday. :-)