Thursday, November 29, 2007

Under the Bridge

Under the bridge. You know the one. Where "the homeless people live."

A group of young adults. Some might have homes. Others not. Addicts. The mentally ill. Teenagers without a safe place to call home. People. People with names, hearts and souls. People Christ died for. People we are called to love.

The smell of pot. The fact that the students knew the smell saddened me.

Alcohol in Orange Juice containers. "It is what we do to keep warm."

Swearing. Arguing. Noise.

Fear. Is this safe? Fear. Lord keep us safe.

Softness... their tough exterior shed at the random display of love and kindness. You could see the softness literally take over their entire beings.

Genuine appreciation. "You are angels in disguise."

Warmth. Boots. Tuques. Food. Jackets. Warmth. Love. Compassion.

Lives changed. Theirs. Ours. Mine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i was thinking about that on sunday when i was waiting in the cold. thank you for going out and doing it. you're amazing. love you christa!